Topics Addressed by
Renaldo Rivera
Click on the numbers to go to segments where this topics is addressed."1" goes to the first segment, "2" goes to the second, etc. |
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.When did you begin at CRS? When did you leave?
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A. What did you do before coming to CRS?
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B. What civil rights or conflict management work did you do before your CRS work?
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.Background information on a case
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A. When making an initial assessment of a case, with whom did you talk first? Next?
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B. How did you identify the proper people to talk to or get involved?
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C. How did you identify leaders?
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D. How did you decide when to meet separately with the parties and when to bring them together?
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.What did you do to diminish tension between the parties?
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A. Did a party ever threaten to walk out of a mediation? What did you do then?
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.Did you find yourself helping the parties strengthen their own capacity to deal with conflict?
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A. Did you help the parties prepare for mediation or any joint meetings?
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B. Did anyone ever ask you to become an advocate or to tilt the table in their favor? How did you respond?
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.How would you describe your work in terms of your neutrality, impartiality, and objectivity in a case?
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.Are there other aspects of the process that you used that are worth noting?
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A. How much direction did you give the parties in mediation?
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.Were you able to detect when an internal conflict existed within a party that was inhibiting progress?
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A. How did you deal with it?
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B. What types of resources from within the community would you use? How did you get them involved?
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C. Did other organizations or people within the community help limit the intensity of the conflict or help resolve it? Who? How?
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.How did you deal with issues of confidentiality during your casework?
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.How did you deal with the media? Were they an asset or a liability to your work?
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A. Did you take continuing responsibility for its implementation?
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.What were your measures of the success of your intervention?
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.What do you think are the most important skills and attributes of an effective civil rights mediator?
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.Agency-related information
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