Subsidiary Issue Identification Questions
- Click on questions to see answers -
Were the issues that appeared to be most critical to you always the ones that brought you into the case?
Did the conflict become defined differently over time? How?
Did you find it necessary at times to help the parties define or prioritize their issues? How did you do this?
Did you find yourself assisting one party to understand the other party's perspective?
Did you have effective techniques for persuading a party to reframe the problem to make it negotiable?
How did you deal with seemingly intractable demands on a party's agenda for negotiations?
How would you deal with a demand on one party's agenda that the other party said was non-negotiable?
Did you ever deal with a conflict that seemed to be truly intractable?
Did key issues ever involve factual disagreements? How did you deal with such problems?
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by Conflict Management Initiatives and the
Conflict Information Consortium
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