Subsidiary Ending Intervention Questions
- Click on questions to see answers -
Did this sometimes become difficult because of the relationships you formed?
How long did you generally work on one case?
Before terminating a case, did you help the parties develop a contingency plan to help prevent a recurrence of the conflict?
What might a contingency plan include?
Did you assist the parties design other structures to prevent a recurrence of the conflict?
Did you take continuing responsibility for its implementation?
Did you plan any follow up after the case was closed?
Did you have any continuing professional relationships between CRS and community people after a case was "closed?"
What would you say were the positive outcomes of the contingency planning process?
Did you have any continuing personal relationships with community people after a case was "closed?"
Were other enforcement mechanisms put in place?
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by Conflict Management Initiatives and the
Conflict Information Consortium
This is a legacy site maintained for historical purposes as it was created in 2007.
We have no budget to update the site to current web standards.